Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Three Natural Ways to Lower Humidity

As the weather heats up, follow these simple suggestions to create a refuge from the humid climate of Austin.

Increase Ventilation

Ventilation plays a crucial role in the effective management of humidity levels. Excess water in the air increases humidity, so you will want to focus especially on areas of your home that are prone to moisture. Use fans and open windows in areas of your home where excess water enters the environment through activities such as steaming food in the kitchen, showering in the bathroom, or running your washing machine in the laundry room.

Manage Moisture

Combine multiple strategies to keep water from building up in the air. Taking shorter, cooler showers produces far less humidifying steam than taking long, hot showers. You can also manage your indoor climate through choice of cooking methods. Slow cookers are less humidifying than stovetop or oven cooking, and, of course, grilling outside produces no indoor humidity at all. Cover exposed soil in houseplant pots. This measure will make watering plants more effective by preventing evaporation, and when you water less frequently, you prevent humidity.

Make a Simple Dehumidifier

Make your own dehumidifier using rock salt. Directions can be found at http://www.ehow.com/how_5317871_make-own-dehumidifier.html .

The tips suggested above give you greater control over your indoor environment, and in conjunction with a quality air conditioning system, these methods are instantly enhanced. At Comfort Control, we install and maintain systems to support your unique needs. Contact us today for an expert consultation.

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